Friday, January 2, 2009

Invest in Alternative Energy by Bob Ritchie

Invest in alternative energy
Published: Friday January 2, 2009
The Editor, Sir:
Jamaica could be completely independent of foreign oil importation by investing in alternative energy. Our island nation could save hundreds of millions of dollars, which could in turn be invested in infrastructural development and expansion, improvement of our education system, providing much-needed employment, and most important, improving our national security.
With the aid of modern technology readily available, Jamaica can utilise wind, solar, hydro and ethanol power sources, the latter of which is now being utilised and expanded.
Jamaica's capability
Jamaica has the capability of installing wind turbines - there is enough wind blowing through our mountains which is going untapped. The sunshine our island is blessed with should not just be a tourist attraction. Build larger hydro-electric facilities to provide electrical energy for a larger section of the island. Our land of wood and water is letting all that water flow into the Caribbean Sea without utilising it.
The E10 petrol project is a great start, but just imagine how really independent our nation could become if we invested in these technologies and become independent of foreign oil. The reduction of pollutants would improve the health of our citizens and overall quality of life. The financial savings would be tremendous, and the reinvestment of those revenues could do amazing things for the future of our beloved country.
I am, etc.,

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